What does it means to dream Tiger?


Tiger Dream Symbol – The tiger is a symbol of ferocity and fearsomeness. It is also a spirit animal that represents the feeling of raw emotions and power. The tiger is a very primal animal that represents our primal nature of uncertainty and unpredictability. A tiger can also indicate that your future plans will change unexpectedly. The tiger also represents feelings of sexuality and uncertain elements that are present in your life. If the tiger is acting unpredictable in your dream, it can indicate a lack of control over certain areas of your life. Maybe you have been struggling financially or you have suffered a recent emotion heart break. A tiger dream can also represent good health and vitality. If you are at peace with the tiger, it can indicate that you are in a good place in your life. On the other hand, tigers can also represent aggressive behavior and uncontrollable urges. You might have certain vices in your life that you are unable to control. The tiger could represent this vice staring you in the face. To be chased by a tiger can indicate you are running away from an aspect of yourself that you don’t want to confront. The distance between you and the tiger can determine if the problem is getting better or if it is getting worse. If you manage to kill a tiger in a dream it can represent conquering an aspect of yourself that you previously had no control over. You might have learned how to control your anger or deal with people you don’t like in more favorable terms. Alternative Interpretations Tiger brings reminders of persistence to your dreams. He reminds to use patience. He also brings reminders to do things the way you always have done them. This is not a time to change the way you do things. You will only achieve your goals if you have patience. This big cat can also mean you need to carefully plan your maneuvers. Tiger lets you know you have the strength and fortitude to achieve anything, even when you do not like what you need to do. No more guilty procrastinating. Get off your butt and get it done. Seeing tiger can also mean danger is imminent. You are over anxious about something you think will happen. What do you fear will happen? There is no point worrying about what has not happened yet. This is your imagination running away with you. Your worry may come from past lessons and experiences. Relax a bit. Let your fears go. Let things happen in their own time. There is no reason to worry about what may never happen. Tiger can also symbolize your fear that something bad will happen to you because of your own actions. Maybe you made some bad decisions in the past and they are coming back to haunt you. Dreaming of tigress protecting her cubs symbolizes you and your protectiveness towards your family. You will do anything to ensure your children and those close to you are protected and kept safe. This dream may come because you are anxious your children cannot protect themselves in such a harsh, tough world. You need to let go. They have to learn to stand on they own feet and cope with the challenges that come along. You need to support them in finding their own truths. Dreams of killing tiger can mean you are feeling all powerful You feel there is nothing you cannot achieve and you are not shy letting the world know it. This can bring bad blood from others, jealous of your confidence and success. Or, people who find your attitude grates on them because they may not be doing well themselves. Be wary there are no power plays or bullying on either side. Tiger may bring messages to take on more responsibility. You are capable of being a leader and tiger is pushing you to exert more authority. Is this you? Do you see yourself as a leader in some way? Do others naturally turn to you for the answers? When Tiger crosses your Path Tiger crosses your path to remind you are strong willed and persistent. He reminds there is nothing you do not have the courage to achieve. So get out there and keep achieving your dreams.