What does it means to dream Attribute?


Dreaming of a certain attribute of a person, place, thing, or idea, that seems unusual or stands out to you in a particular way, suggests the way you feel about that person/thing etc. Often in dreams, certain characteristics are amplified or enhanced to highlight or draw attention to your feelings about that particular object. For example , if you dream about a friend, examine what qualities and details were present in the dream. What was your friend doing? What did s/he look like? What was different about his/her appearance? What qualities were highlighted? Was there anything strange about that object/person? I once dreamt about a friend who had red hair in her waking life. In my dream her hair was brighter and more vivid than usual, and the color was extremely intense – much more so than in waking life. This particular attribute (her hair) stood out and caught my attention – showing me the way in which I see my friend – bright, dynamic, vivid, and larger-than-life.