What does it means to dream Books?


Books very prominently symbolize the quest for knowledge, wisdom, learning from others, and self-empowerment. Seeing a stack of books or being surrounded by books in your dream represents your thirst for knowledge and your desire to learn. Being surrounded by books of a specific genre can also say something about you and your waking life. For instance, being surrounded by fiction or romance books means you may wish to get lost in a story or romance. These types of books may also symbolize time to yourself and the classic idea of getting lost in a good book. Being surrounded by classic books and works of literature suggests you may have something to gain from those that are likely wiser than you such as teachers, parents, grandparents, or others. Classic works also serve as a reminder that great knowledge and talent is appreciated and remembered. This interpretation is important if your quest for knowledge and wisdom is driving your creative or imaginative work such as writing, music composition, dance, or other type of creative work.