What does it means to dream Camel?


Camels are desert animals known for their ability to walk long distances without needing water. The camel represents the ideas of persistence, patience, and the ability to stay with something for the long-run. Like the famous tortoise of The Tortoise and the Hare , the camel represents a slow and steady persistence, with the added quality of being able to store much needed nutrients for a dry spell. Seeing a camel in your dream could indicate your own expression of these qualities, or the need to express more of these qualities. Alternatively, seeing a camel in your dream could indicate that you have reached your breaking point or the limit of your endurance. As in the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” you may be feeling over-loaded or overworked. This symbols serves as reminder that you can only push yourself so far before something gives. Slow down, you don’t have to do everything all at once, or take on the burdens of the entire world.