What does it means to dream Cat?


Cat Dream Symbols – Cats are popular household pets Many homes have one or two. They are elusive, represent duality – male and female energy, self-reliant (representing your own independence), demanding, loving and fantastic companions. When they visit your dreams there are so many possible meanings. You need to take into account what the cat looks like, its demeanor, actions and the situation, and how the dreams leaves you feeling. When you feel down and completely negative, cat may visit to prompt you to take another look at what worries you with a more objective attitude. Cat can represent illusions and you may be deluding yourself into believing your own negativity. Maybe someone around you is not who or what they seem. Are you deluding yourself about something or someone? Are you creating illusions about yourself to the world to make yourself feel better? Cats also visit to remind you are feeling sorry for yourself and the injustices of the world. When you feel helpless in the face of it all. Snap out of it. Sure feel compassion, love, and sorrow at all the hurt and injustice – do what you can, but do not let it rule your life. Living a happy balanced life is a good way to stand up to life’s injustices. Prove you can beat the odds. Kitten dreams can represent illusions close to you. A warning to look closer at those you trust. You can be too trusting of those you love and care about, often unwilling to accept that anyone would deliberately harm you. May be you are in a situation where your only or closest friends are your greatest manipulators and enemies. When you are in danger of believing the illusions, black cat may visit to warn you to look closer. That you are walking on dangerous ground, or about to. Avoid making binding decisions under pressure. Take time out to investigate further. Being afraid of cats in a dream can mean your fears are based on false illusions like believing gossip and rumors rather than finding out the truth. Do not let others divert your attention from finding out what you need to know. Aggressive cats may be a warning to look closer at those you trust for there may be betrayal. Or you may have big dreams you believe impossible without looking at how to achieve them. You may dismiss them as impossible. Maybe you fear success? Aggressiveness can also represent the ‘cattiness’ of women. Are you being catty? Or, are you the recipient of another’s catty behavior? Dreams of homes overrun with cats can mean your whole life is an illusion. Illusions overrun your life. You believe nothing about the world as presented to you as mainstream media. Why do you feel like this? Cat’s warning is to take time out to rebalance and refresh, and take another look. While there are many illusions we can see and do nothing about, we can still create peaceful, joyous lives. When relationships are in trouble, volatile with constant arguing and bickering, you may have a cat attack you in your dreams. This can mean that if you cannot sort out your differences then may be it is time to move on. Watching a cat fight can signify there is someone who will do anything to destroy you. Dreaming of farm cats living life in the natural environment it is a sign you may need to change yours. This does not necessarily mean moving but spend a day in nature, spend time with friends and family, take a short break, or even holiday. Playful cats enjoying the moment teach you to take time out to spend with those you love and about. Life is not all serious and hard work. Without a little playfulness in your life you can turn your negative feeling into positive making challenges easier to work through. Additional Meanings Cats can represent a number of different symbols in a dream. Carl Jung proposed that cats were symbols of the secretive side of their nature. Seeing a cat in your dream can also represent your urge to take care of someone or something. If you see a cat in the alley then it can represent promiscuity and other sexual desires that you might have. A black cat can represent misfortune and bad luck to the dreamer or good luck if you come from certain parts of the world. Cat dreams can often indicate that you might have people around you that are being sly and not forthright in their goals. If you see a cat that is being overly aggressive then it can be your feminine side trying to break out. The cat can also represent femininity, spirituality and instinct. If you dream that a cat is clawing you and demanding your attention, then you need to pay attention to your intuition, because it has an important message that you have been ignoring. If you dream that you are harming a cat, this means that you are in conflict with your femininity, or that you are trying to suppress your spiritual or instinctive side. On the other hand, if you dream that you are having a pleasant and harmonious interaction with a cat, it indicates that you are in touch with these aspects of yourself, and that you are in a position to understand the messages your intuition sends you. Remain open and receptive, because some insight is on its way. When Cat crosses your path When cat crosses your path she brings strong warnings of illusions surrounding you whether you or others created them. You need to dispel them to discover the truth to move on with your life.