What does it means to dream Cell Phone / Mobile Phone?


Cell phones have become our link to the world – they are more than a simple calling device. Cell phones represent your connection to the world and your ability to interact with others. Dreaming of a cell phone represents communication, connection, and the essence of your very existence. Dreaming that you have lost your cell phone suggests losing a connection in your life – such as with a friend, family member, lover, or with a part of yourself. Finding your cell phone represents a return to safety and security. Cell phones can also represent your ability to connect with your friends, family, and coworkers. Depending on the context of the dream, a cell phone may represent expectations of your constant availability and your ability to be available to others at any time. It may also suggest an inability to detach from obligations and take time for yourself. Alternatively, a cell phone can represent your ability or desire to have the latest and greatest gadgets and technological devices. It can represent an attitude or desire to “keep up with the Jones’s.”