What does it means to dream Dragon?


Dragon Dream Symbol – Dragon dreams represent incredible personal empowerment. The appearance of dragon is great news for your business or career. They are also the guardians of integrity. They have staunch faith and belief in their own power. Take notice when dragon appears in your dreams. It could be there are challenges on the home front. Family members may be testing you. A dragon that scares you indicates there are problems at home. Killing a dragon signifies you overcome all current challenges that cross your path. Visits from everyday mythical dragons can mean you are pushing someone to pull off a deal of some sort to help you move forward on your path. You may be being selfish. Seeing a fire breathing dragon is a warning your emotions are out of control. It can also be a warning your life may be destroyed by fire in reality. Make sure the electrical cables and appliances in your home are safe. A dragon flying through your dreams means there are solutions to pressing stresses coming very soon. Dreaming of flying through the sky on the back of a dragon is a sure sign of flying high in real life. If not now, then very soon. Negatively, dragon dreams warn of challenges that are coming as obstacles to deter you from your path. These may come to test your faith in yourself. In your beliefs. In your dreams. Are you truly on the right path? Dragons can remind of the hard work, persistence, and patience required to achieve what you truly desire. Dragons can also represent key people who are hard to please and it is a reminder to approach with diplomacy to achieve what you need. Additional Meanings Dragons are harbingers of every sort of fortune. Not only do dragons bring intangible things like powers and abilities, but they are also known to bring tidings of great wealth. They can also be judges and punishers if you have done wrong. In general, however, dragons are a symbol of great beneficence and joy. If you dream about a dragon attacking you or breathing fire at you, it could mean that far from being a positive dream, yours is actually a warning from the great spirits that you have done a great wrong and need to correct your mistake and bring honor back into your life.