What does it means to dream Drowning?


Drowning Dream Symbol – If you dream that you are drowning it is a symbol that you are too deeply into a relationship or idea and it is clouding your life in a way that is bringing imbalance to your journey. Dreaming of drowning is almost always a warning that you have gone too far or gotten in too deep. Seeing yourself drown in a dream may also indicate that you are overwhelmed with emotion in your waking life. Perhaps you have too many things going through you mind and they are all starting to pull you down under the water. To survive a drowning may indicate that a relationship in your life may survive a rough patch that you are going through. Alternatively, this dream could point to your ability to survive difficult situations that seem impossible to escape. A dream that you rescue someone from drowning may indicate your desire to be there for the people close to you. If you fail to rescue someone from drowning, the dream is showing you that some things are simply out of your control, no matter what you do. Taking a moment to reflect upon your life and determine what you are spending too much time, energy, or money on will help you to save yourself from an imminent failure. While perseverance is typically a good thing, dreaming about drowning is a sign that you should give up on an enterprise before it destroys you, literally or metaphorically. Sinking dream Dreaming that you are sinking could indicate that you are being weighed down by the burdens that other people have placed on you. Perhaps it is time to free yourself from some of these expectations and duties and focus on your own needs. Alternatively, there could be a project or relationship that you are in that is on its last legs. The dream may be telling you that the boat is sinking and it is time to start heading in a new direction. Additional Meanings Dreaming of drowning is about drowning in your emotions. This is a warning you will soon be tested emotionally. It may all overwhelm you if you do not prepare. It can be a time where major changes occur unexpectedly in your life. This could signify growing from a child to a teenager, from a teenager to an adult. If others drown, there are negative habits you need to let go of such as eating junk food and drinking excessive alcohol. It can also mean this is the end of an old lifestyle that no longer serves you well. Drowning is a sign that you are about to be reborn. If your dream is of struggling against drowning, you are fighting strong emotions. You may be confused or hurt, and struggling to come to terms with your emotions. This can be your subconscious alerting you to areas you need to face. If you drown in a panic, there are huge emotional changes coming. Struggling in the water indicates your emotional struggles in real life. You may currently be highly anxious. Are you living in a pressure cooker? Drowning in a bath can indicate there are hidden depths to your emotions. You need to explore them more closely. Drowning in the sea indicates there are obstacles in your path. Struggling for breath in the water signifies struggling for self-confidence in your real life. Dreaming of being rescued means there are many who rely on you. There is support there when you need it. Just ask.