What does it means to dream Falling asleep?


Dreaming that you are falling asleep could indicate that you are repressing a part of yourself. You may have emotions or experiences that are difficult to deal with so you would prefer to make them unconscious rather than have to deal with them on a daily basis. Falling asleep in a dream could indicate that you are making unconscious something that was previously conscious. Or it could indicate the desire to make unconscious what was previously conscious. Alternatively, falling asleep in your dream could indicate that you are unaware of your surrounding or what is going on around you. There may be a situation taking place around you that you are unaware of. You may not be giving your full attention to what is happening your life. Additionally, falling asleep could indicate that you are not fully present in your life. You may be unconsciously going through the motions of your daily life without giving it much thought. There may be a feeling of “sleep walking” through your life, without much consciousness toward your experiences or any effort to create the life you most prefer.