What does it means to dream Fleas?


Fleas Dream Symbol – If you dream of fleas, this is an indication of small vices or flaws which are beginning to show their ill effects in your life. These small, pernicious influences may only manifest themselves at first as minor discomforts and annoyances, but the flea dream is a warning that they will multiply and increase in severity. This dream can also signify hidden malice in those around you, which has the power to ruin your life, or at least make it very uncomfortable, little by little. If in this dream you eradicate your flea infestation, this is an indication that you can triumph over these struggles. Dreaming of fleas indicates your current feeling of irritation about something or someone. Fleas are bloodsucking critters so it may be that someone around you sucks the life out of you. It may be that you are unable to see this, though they irritate you. Being bitten by fleas indicates someone is trying to make you angry They are deliberately trying to provoke you for a reaction. They enjoy spreading their poison about you to whoever will answer. Who could this be? Be wary not just of newcomers, but of those who have long been trusted to be in your life. Someone is plotting to destroy you. Spreading nasty gossip behind your back not caring whether you hear it. You are the subject of their jealousy. Finding fleas in your hair reminds that you are the only person to blame for your problems. You need to stop trying to blame others. Take responsibility for your own actions. You are the only one with responsibility for your life. Dreaming of fleas can also mean there is prosperity and wealth on its way. The days of worrying about money will disappear to be replaced with abundant times where money is no object. This is not a gift or a windfall. You must continue to work hard. Maybe even take some risks. Continue setting goals for continued success. Although challenges will worry you, being well-prepared for these concerns can help prevent them coming up in the first place. Prioritize your goals and keep yourself on track. Trying to catch fleas indicates you can find common ground with others when there are problems. You may realize that it always takes two to create a problem and come to a compromise. Catching fleas signifies that good luck is coming your way. You will soon get a chance to highlight your plans. A new opportunity will come up. Be alert. For you do not want to miss it. Killing fleas means there will be an unexpected financial gain in the near future. This could be through an inheritance, a winning, or you may even find money lying in the street.