What does it means to dream Fog (Mist)?


Fog Dream Symbol – Dreaming of fog can represent the practicalities in your life. Your work ethic. The energy and passion you put into everything you want to succeed at in life. Fog can also warn to take a look closer at those around you for not everything may be as it seems. Is this something you can relate to? Traveling through thick fog indicates work or business challenges. Coming through the fog means these will clear up and so will any future business problems. When driving through fog this can mean you are likely to fail at a project that is close to your heart. This may be because this project lost your attention. Trying to ring someone while in the fog indicates that while you are reaching out you are unsuccessful. Your ability to communicate at this time is seriously hampered. You may need to try harder, use persistence, to overcome the obstacles. Dreaming of a weather forecast of fog warns something needs your urgent attention. It can also mean your or someone’s judgement has been seriously compromised. You may not have looked at the big picture to see the situation as a whole. There is someone around your that manipulates you for their own agenda. You need to take time out to assess and analyze the situation. Fog at sea means you may be in for a rough ride on the home front. There may be family disputes, but they will eventually resolve themselves. Fog on land can mean you need to have patience with challenging business matters that may negatively impact your finances. If the fog suddenly lifts, this a is a good sign that can bring positive things into your life very soon. It can also mean that your worries suddenly disappear. Alternative Meanings Fog represents a lack of sight. This lack of sight might be physical, emotional, or spiritual. It is up to the dreamer that is you, to determine what the fog is obscuring. If you dream about fog it is very important not to ignore it.This fog is generally a warning from your own spirit that there are things that you cannot see that you should work hard to discover before it is too late. Do not make any big decisions until you know without a shadow of a doubt what it is that you could not see. Seeing fog in your dreams is a sign that you should take a break from any major decisions in your life. Mist Dream Symbol – Dreaming of being caught up in a mist can indicate your confusion about something in your reality. Do not allow others to push you into making decisions before you clarify your uncertainty. Mist on a bright, sunny day means you need to take control of your future. Do not let others influence the way you think and feel if it is truly what you believe. Delay making decisions if there are any feelings of confusion.