What does it means to dream Gay?


Gay – Dreaming about being gay symbolizes insecurity in your sexuality. It is important to allow yourself to shed religious or social preconceptions about homosexuality. That means that you should force yourself to experience it in some way to allow yourself to explore the excitement that same-sex relationships can be full of. This can mean anything from having sex with a close same-sex friend or playing sexual games with a group of mixed sex company at a party and allowing yourself to be led to same sex partners. It is important to note that men who allow themselves to experience same-sex relationships are almost always more emotionally balanced and better at social interactions and communication and more self-assured. In the past, it was common and completely acceptable -even expected in many ways—for young boys to have sexual encounters with other boys their age. Even up to the in the early twentieth century in British all-boy schools, sexual encounters between the students was encouraged and thought to create more pacifistic and refined gentlemen. Women, on the other hand, who experience same-sex encounters, are known to have a greater sexual satisfaction all around.