What does it means to dream Graveyard?


Graveyard Dream Symbol – Graveyards are a symbol of death and rebirth. If you dream about visiting a cemetery it represents that you are coming to grips with the fact that you will one day die and be reborn. If you were visiting a family member it means that you are finally accepting that person to be gone. If you see a grave that is empty or has your name on it, it means that you may be in grave danger. Dreaming of being among the tombstones of a graveyard reflects that you do not fear death. This is a sign your life will soon improve. It is impossible to see what happens to you when you leave this world physically. Wandering through a graveyard you may meet the ghosts of people who have passed over. This is a clear sign you need to deeply explore your emotions and thoughts, and why they leave y Grave stones in the snow in balck and white ou feeling so unhappy. What makes you sad? Is there someone who makes you feel this way? Although life is really great you cannot work out why sometimes you still feel down. Dreaming of a graveyard is a message that someone is trying to get a message to you from the other side. Meeting ghost of someone you cared about in a graveyard you are seeking answers about what happens to your soul when you die. This is not something you spend too much time worrying about as you have no control of what happens to you after you die. It can also simply be a dream to bring messages from the spirits of people who have passed over. Looking after a particular grave can mean you are till mourning a loss. This is a reminder you have to accept the bad with the good that life offers. It is okay to grieve, but you also have to get on with your life. Putting flowers on a grave is a sign there is much joy and happiness shared with your friends and family. Visiting a graveyard with someone symbolizes true friendship. Leaving flowers at a grave shows the sensitive side of your complex character. A graveyard in the country can man that something or someone you thought gone forever suddenly returns to your life. Going past a graveyard reflects your busy life and making progress towards your dreams. Seeing many graveyards can mean you may have a moral dilemma in your waking life. This is a reminder to stand tall in your truth with integrity. A messy, unkempt graveyard can warn you are being too pessimistic. If you are not careful you will end up old and alone.