What does it means to dream Homonyms?


Since dreams have an uncanny way of breaking through your defensive barriers, often a homonym or ‘play on words’ will be used. A homonym is a word that sounds like one thing when it is actually tricking you into exploring another. In this way, dreams have clever ways of ‘tripping you up.’ For example: if you dream of saying something aloud, you repeat it back, and you are suddenly saying what a part of you is not allowed to say, as in the case of discussing difficult ideas you’d rather not discuss. Someone may give you ten cents as a part of you explores the idea of sense or the increased ability to feel and acknowledge your self-worth. The idea of time and how you may be missing the importance of the present, can be symbolized by a watch and the idea of watching. Approaching the altar often coincides with times when you alter or change your behavior; Inside of a cell can be a way of understanding the ideas that you sell to others. When the original word doesn’t seem to make sense, explore whether it may be a homonym or word play of this type. The dream can focus on a duel as a way of understanding dual , or the two conflicting ideas that have brought you into crisis. An urn can be a way of understanding what you earn as you explore self-worth. When a maid appears to make the bed, you are given the opportunity to understand what you have made of circumstances, in the sense of ‘making your bed and lying in it too.’ Hearing the word morning or a dream that is focused on the morning can also have an association with mourning or feelings of sadness that remain unprocessed. You may dream of a mummy in the first stages of recognizing things that were adopted from mommy that may need to be relinquished. Dreaming of a witch can suggest how one thing leads to another or unacknowledged choices as in which . To knead bread is the same as the idea that you may need money or are overly focused on material security. The number six often appears as a cryptic way of getting the idea of sex out on the table. The number eight can be associated with eating issues or the need to digest something as in ate. Seeing a knot can suggest not , while untying a knot can be the idea of removing ‘not’ from your vocabulary when you are opening up. An oar can be or , offering the idea that the resolution is something you perhaps, are not considering. Tents can suggest nervousness or being tense , and focusing on a vein can signify being vain . Dreaming of a lion can suggest that someone is telling lies.