What does it means to dream Interpreter?


Interpreter – Dreaming about an interpreter is a symbol of communication, and often of frustration with your current abilities to communicate with an individual person. You may feel that you and this other person are not even speaking the same language, as it were. This dream about an interpreter indicates a definite frustration at your current communication, and may in fact be a hint that your problems with the other person are a result of missed communication or ineffective communication, rather than of personality differences or other inherent problems. If you dream about an interpreter, this indicates that you need to try to learn the language of the other person and help the other person learn your language, so that you can begin to communicate better. Saying phrases such as “When you say this, I feel…” or “I understand that you are saying that …” can help to clarify differences in communication and understanding, and can help you both learn to say what you mean in a way that the other person will understand, instead of giving needless insult or causing frustration.