What does it means to dream Jet?


Jet – Jets are a symbol of power. If you dream about a private jet, whether you are on it or not, it represents authority in your life. If you are on the jet, it means that you are the authority or close to it, or soon shall be. If you dream that you are looking at a private jet in flight or on the tarmac, but are not in it, it means that authority and power in your life are not yet in your sphere of influence. This can be a message that you need to gain more control over your life. If you dream about a fighter or military jet it is representative of physical strength or force in your life. If you are flying the jet or on board, it means that you are ready for the obstacles that you will experience in your life journey. If you see yourself outside of the jet it could represent a threat to you or a defender. Jets are some of the most important symbols of power in our life and anything you see a jet do in your dream can be taken as an allegory of waking life either in the present, past or near future.