What does it means to dream Lingerie?


Lingerie – Lingerie is a symbol of sensuality and sexuality. Dreaming of wearing sexy lingerie is an indication of positive feelings about your body and a high level of confidence. It also indicates a desire for sexuality and for sexual admiration. The other people involved in this dream symbol are also extremely important. For instance, if you dream of showing off your lingerie to a significant other, this indicates confidence in your sexuality and positive communication between you two. On the other hand, dreaming of being caught by parents, an employer, or another authority figure in your lingerie indicates fear and shame associated with your sexuality. If you are man dreaming about lingerie then the meaning is different. It can indicate your sexual desires that you may have locked up. Dreaming about lingerie as a man represents sexual feelings that you might have bottled up inside, trying to find a way to express yourself. If you are dreaming of wearing lingerie as a man than it could represent you desire for freedom and to go against the cultural norm. There can be underlying desires to become a woman if you have thought about it in the past.