What does it means to dream Octopus?


Octopus Dream Symbol – The octopus is a symbol of murky grasping tentacles that desire nothing more than to drag you under the water and drown you and devour your hopes and dreams. It seems morbid, yet the symbology of the octopus is very strong and sinister no matter where you turn to for clarification. If you dream about the octopus it is almost certainly a dire warning that you are in trouble and need to find out why. If you dream about the octopus dragging you under the water or wrapping you in its tentacles, then it means that you are very close to disaster. If you dream about eating octopus it means that you have conquered you greatest enemy and will have a successful future. Dreaming of octopus is about being flexible and using natural camouflage when you need to. Octopus reminds to listen to your guts instincts about the decisions you need to make. This may be about your creativity. Or, you may be ready to change your lifestyle completely. Whatever it is, you need to remain flexible to work towards success. It may be a time for building solid foundations for the future. DO you dream of doing this?