What does it means to dream Opal?


Opal – Opal is found in only a few places on the earth and is the mineral symbol for fire and the sun. Just as flames can take on numerous colors and hues so can the opal. It is a stone of passion and deep emotional bonds. To dream of the opal on a loved one that you know is representative of the feelings that you have for them. Opal is also unique among gemstones in the fact that it actually holds a tiny drop of water in the stone. This water is symbolic of the soul or spirit trapped inside the body of passion and emotions. In this way, opals can be very good representations of people that we know, with the colors that we see reflected indicating their emotions toward us. Reds and oranges would indicate very fiery emotions such as lust, anger and hate. Greens and blues would be calm emotions, deep lasting love, trust, and hope.