What does it means to dream Oranges?


Oranges Dream Symbol – Oranges are the fruit of summer and warmth. They are healing and restorative and can be used to cleanse and purify your body. The smell of oranges is a relaxing aroma therapy that has the pleasant effect of calming the mind and allowing stress and anxiety to be relieved. Spraying an orange mist into a room cleanses negative energy and tension. It can freshen the air as well. If you dream about oranges these meanings should be interpreted allegorically. Typically oranges in your dream represent freedom from anxiety or a desire to release pent up stress. Oranges represent bright, sunny feelings and how all is right with your world. Dreams of oranges symbolize your positive dreams of good health will come true. This indicates no longer will you hold onto negative feelings of bitterness and resentment. You may let these go for the sake of your health ready to move on to better things. You realize that no longer do these negative feelings serve you well, if they ever did. You understand they may be holding you back. And, the only one they hurt is yourself. Burying rotting oranges may be symbolic of turning the tough things in your life around. A rotting orange, buried in mother earth, can grow into an orange tree over time. This can bring much abundance when it blossoms and bears fruit. Oranges can also represent acknowledgement you need to put the hard work into things to achieve success. Sometimes you have to go out of your way, be inconvenienced, to achieve what you really want. Remember, nothing worthwhile comes easily.