What does it means to dream Past?


Dreaming of the past can indicate a desire to look at your past from a different / new perspective and to integrate the often painful lessons from your experiences. Looking at your past from a wiser and more mature point-of-view can help you gain perspective on your life and what is going on in your subconscious mind. To dream of the past allows you to have a different take on your experiences and integrate them in new and different ways so that the painful experiences are less painful and you can integrate the lessons you need to learn. Pay particular attention to the main action of the dream and the other dream characters. Look for events that parallel your waking life and take note of any differences between your dream events and the events of your waking life. Dreaming of the past can have powerful implications and can help you transform painful past events so that they no longer hold so much energy for you. Dreaming is one tool that allows you to literally change the past from the present moment. It helps you process the painful parts and leaves you with transferable lessons that you can take with you as you go about the rest of your life. In this way you are no longer held back by your past.