What does it means to dream Pedestal?


Pedestal – The meaning of the dream symbol of a pedestal depends on the placement in the dream, in the people and symbols surrounding it, and in the emotions surrounding the dream symbol. If you dream that someone else or something has been placed on a pedestal, this indicates a feeling that you ought to look up to that person, or that you are expected to look up to them. You may feel that other people in your life afford greater respect to this person than to you, and you may not feel that they deserve it. Generally, the pedestal throws into relief the discrepancy between the person’s standing in society and your feelings about whether they deserve it. If you dream about being on the pedestal, you may be uncomfortable with your place on it. You may feel that others elevate you above where you deserve to be. You may also be unaware that others look up to you until you have the dream about being on a pedestal.