What does it means to dream Reading?


Reading – Reading is a dream symbol of understanding, communication, entertainment and, in some cases, escape. If you dream that you are reading a nonfiction or reference book, this indicates a desire to understand the facts of some situation, and possibly frustration that the matter is not already clear to you. If you dream that you are reading a letter or other form of personal communication, this indicates your feelings about your relationship with that person, especially the effectiveness of your communication with them. On the other hand, if you dream that you are reading a fiction book, this often indicates an urge to escape from the current circumstances of your life. Alternatively, it may signify a creative brainwave. Other dream symbols that indicate the significance of your dream about reading include your eyesight and the quality of light when you read. If you dream that the light is bright and you have no trouble seeing, this indicates a high level of understanding and/or good communication. If, on the other hand, you dream of reading in dim light or with poor eyesight, this indicates a breakdown in personal communication, a darkening of your understanding, or even a difficult time with creativity and some form of “writer’s block.”