What does it means to dream Screaming?


Screaming – The sound of screaming in your dream can be vivid and alarming even if you do not see its source or know its cause. Screaming is the greatest symbol of fear in your life. You will often hear screaming in your dream if you are overly worried about others in your waking life. Parents hear the screaming of their children in their dreams. There is a promethean part of the brain that is especially active during resting hours. During the course of evolution periods of sleep were always the most dangerous part of an animal’s life. In fact, many animals including fish, birds and reptiles actually keep an eye open while they sleep if they are fearful of their safety. Mammals also have an instinctual part of their brains active while they sleep. This is the cause of sudden bouts of terror in some people while they sleep. In rare cases people can actually get violent in their sleep. This is all caused by that “protection” part of the brain and its insecurity during sleep. To hear screaming indicates that the part of your brain that regulates the feeling of peace and safety is off. Additional Meanings Hearing screaming in a dream is a symbol of fear. You may be worried about something in your waking life and fear the outcomes or consequences. What is it you fear? This also indicates there are powerful emotions you have bottled up inside. Dreaming of being unable to scream means there is something in your waking life that needs your immediate attention. Do you even know what it is that you fear? Hearing others scream may mean there is upsetting news on the way. You may need to be prepared. Shouting Dream Symbol Dreams that involve shouting can warn of impending trouble. When you are the one shouting, this can mean you are going through a tough time in your waking life. You may be only feeling only negative emotions. It can also signify a particular situation turning into something that is hard to deal with. It will all turn out well if your use perseverance and wisdom to deal with the situation. Hearing someone else shouting signifies a warning of fright or anger. This is a sign there is bad news on the way and even the death of a loved one who lives far away. This can bring warnings that there are those who gossip behind your back. You may need to be more careful about who you trust. Someone’s loud shout for help is a cry for help from them in your waking life. Can you answer that call in your real life? Shouting with surprise can mean you get the help you need from your secret love. What or who do you have hidden away? Shouting in fear can bring unexpected good news from afar. Hearing people you do not recognize shouting in fear refers to your worries in real life. It is a reminder that if you act with wisdom and integrity you will have a positive outcome. When you shout for help in a dream someone will come to your aid. If no one comes to help, you could sink into a deep depression. This will have a negative impact on all parts of your life, especially on financial matters. Shouting in anger to someone can mean you lose the support of someone just when you really need them. This is a time where you need to foster relationships, rather than drive them away. Someone else shouting can bring on depression and troubled times with your life partner. Hearing animals screaming warns of an impending accident. This could be you or someone close to you involved.