What does it means to dream Sex?


Sex – Sex is at the root of every instinct that humanity has ever known. Sex is a symbol of creation and destruction. If you dream you are raped or raping someone, see Rape. For oral sex, see Oral Sex. For testicles, see Testicles. For vagina, see Vagina. For breasts, see Breasts. For adultery, see Adultery. For virgin, see Virgin. For incest, see Incest. For orgasm, see Orgasm. For ecstasy, see Ecstasy. For gay or anal sex, see Gay. For genitals, see Genitals. For impotence, see Impotence or Vasectomy. For incubus, see Incubus. For masturbation, see Masturbation. For nudity, see Naked. For urination, see Urination.