What does it means to dream Trunk?


Trunk – Dreaming of a travel trunk is a symbol of something that you want to hold close to your heart and keep safe, either something with sentimental value or something that you want to keep secret. If you dream of putting something in a trunk, this indicates a possession, a person, or even an idea which you want to keep safe and keep close to you. Taking an item or a photo out of a trunk and discarding it signifies the opposite: you are emotionally letting go of that person and no longer wish to keep them near your heart. Letters are another thing that are common dream subjects to put in a trunk, and these letters represent communications you have with someone in particular.Of course, the language centers of the brain are shut down during sleep, which means that any letter you dream of putting in a treasure chest will likely not have writing that is intelligible or stays the same over multiple readings. If you dream of finding a trunk, on the other hand, this is an auspicious dream symbol of good fortune and unexpected benefits to come. You should pay attention to the treasure you find in the trunk, as this indicates the area of your life in which you can expect good luck, as well as the opportunities you need to remain open to in order to ensure that you can receive this treasure. If you dream about the trunk of a car, this has a different dream meaning: it indicates the things that you are bringing with you as you try to fulfil your goals in life. There are two different possibilities for items you put in the trunk of a car in a dream: either they are necessary things that you will need in order to reach your goals, or else they are extraneous items; dead weight that serves no purpose but to weigh you down. It is important to examine the items that you dreamed of putting into your trunk and determine which of these two possibilities they are, because if they are extraneous and unneeded, then you will be much more likely to reach your goal if you get rid of them.