What does it means to dream Vehicles or Transportation?


Vehicles and Places of Transportation are common dream themes. These types of dreams suggest the condition in which you are currently moving forward . The type of vehicle, and whether or not you are driving, in control or being driven , will portray your present sense of direction and autonomy. Boats, buses and trains , in which you are a ‘passenger,’ suggest how you are following a course that is not self-directed and not easily changed. Travel over water is indicative of emotions and how the ‘flow of events’ or ‘current’ is leading you forward into the future, and often represent the internal drama of uncertainty. The water can be dark, calm or choppy in relation to how you feel about where you are currently going in life. The train follows a proven track as a representation of how the course has been laid down for you. The train can symbolize other’s expectations and not necessarily your own. Missing a train can symbolize fears of failing in the eyes of what is expected of you. Jumping in and out of trains can symbolize how you are trying to find your own way. If you dream of a box car on a train , the dream is exploring the idea of other’s expectations and the baggage you carry because of it. The bus is a classic image of conformity where a school bus is what you adopted or learned. You will often dream of being on a school bus when you are learning how to assert your uniqueness in relation to conformity. You may move f orward and backward on the bus as a representation of your progress. A public bus shows how you mould your way of being into what you believe is expected of you. It reflects how you may have become a ‘passenger’ rather than blazing your own path. Since the taxi portrays a ride with usually one other character, the driver should be given consideration as the side of you that is currently driving you forward . Paying a fare for any type of travel shows issues related to self-worth and what you trade in order to move forward in life. Being driven by anyone in a dream portrays a need to become more autonomous. A bicycle , because it is propelled forward by your actual effort, can suggest vitality and issues related to health. As a child, perhaps you learned to ride by balancing your weight against movement, so it can also suggest balancing well-being with motivation and drive. The bicycle often appears as a representation of following a path that better reflects your natural potential. In a sense, you are slowing down your pace to connect more with experience and get in touch with who you are. Go-carts offer a similar message although they also reveal a sense of competition. Bumper cars and other jalopies suggest how you are moving forward, sometimes in comical or dangerous ways. A vehicle without protection or some of its parts missing can symbolize scarcity or dysfunction operating in your motivation. The motorcycle is also associated with balance and precision. Trucks suggest how you are moving forward while carrying a ‘load’ or attempting to ‘transport’ what is important to you, rather than being free to move forward. Moving vans take carrying unnecessary baggage to a higher level of awareness. They usually appear when you are sorting through old ideas and making changes in preparation for moving forward. Where the bus shows conformity and social demands, the van full of people can represent the various sides of you collectively. Airports and train stations are places of transition, and therefore are associated with hopes and ambitions. You can ‘ fly ’ to your destination through expanded awareness and insight, or find your compartment or ‘place’ on a train that follows a ‘proven track’ as in expectations. You can be going up, down or in circles , as a way of following inspiration, overcoming repression, or revisiting the past. Danger and the idea of crashing suggest how you are not in control of where you are going and are therefore, feeling uncertain about your direction. Being stopped by police or traffic lights show how you are obeying the disciplinarian controls of conscience. A delivery truck can signify being given or receiving some type of insight that you may be missing. The package can provide clues to what is hidden. Hitchhiking can represent not taking responsibility for where you are going in life. Giving a ride to an unknown passenger can represent integrating or understanding an unknown part of you at work as the root of your motivation. A parking garage or seeing a parked car reflects how your motivation is currently parked, sometimes because of changes you are making, and at other times, because you might not recognize how and why you undermine your ambition. Fender benders in a parking garage are usually the result of colliding sides of you coming out for consideration. A race car or red sports car can symbolize a competitive streak in your motivation. See Color for other associations of aspects related to motivation.