What does it means to dream Violence?


Violence Dream Symbol – Dreaming about violence signifies a deep seated anger at life or situations that surround you. Many people feel very scared after waking up from a violent dream. However, even though you are probably a very easy going and loving person, your mind still has violent and hateful thoughts that need to work themselves out. If you have dreams about violence think of it not as something to feel guilty about, but as something that is natural. Your subconscious is letting go of all the negative emotions that have been building up. This is natural. To dream that you are violent towards a particular person or thing may indicate that there is something in your life that is holding you back. While violence is not the answer, you dream may be telling you that you need to find a solution to this problem in peaceful ways. Alternatively, if you do not recognize the person in your dream it could indicate that you are facing a conflict that is internal. Perhaps you have struggled with an addiction that has been hurting you and preventing you from achieving the success that you want. To dream that you are a victim of violence may indicate that you feel helpless to the world around you. This dream may be an indication that you need to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. To dream that you are the violent person lashing out at people around you may indicate that you are struggling to control some of your undesirable impulses in your daily life. To dream that you are violent against someone older than you can indicate you are angry at an authority figure or institution that has power over you.