What does it means to dream Vomiting?


Vomiting – Vomiting is as unpleasant in a dream as it is in waking life. The significance of vomiting is similar, as well. In waking life, we vomit because we are ill, and often because there is something in our stomach that our body recognizes as dangerous and wants to expel. In a dream, the dream symbol of vomiting also signifies violently expelling something poisonous from ourselves. This is most commonly an idea or a belief which we have internalized, or “eaten,” and which we now need to remove and be rid of before it causes more damage. It is also possible to have a vomiting dream symbol about a relationship or even about a situation in life, though these things are also most often connected to ideas and beliefs. People make us believe different things about ourselves, and so a toxic relationship can make us believe things about ourselves that we should reject for our own well-being.